• Bro. Lee DaoJun • Contents

Faithful and Prudent Slave

Brother Sui Liu

       Brother Witness Lee, the Lord’s servant has been sent here to Taiwan, among the seventy to eighty full-time coworkers that he has raised up in the early days, Brother Daw Jiueng Lee is a very exceptional one.  He has seen that the Lord’s Recovery has enter the era of the spirit, his whole person burned like mad like crazy, charged all over to call the saints to turn into the spirit, often called on the Lord, exercised the spirit, lived within the spirit, to bring in the recovery.  Where ever he has served, mostly thru the usable meeting halls that he has struggled to build, allows the church to increase and expand fast.  Around the middle of his career, he immigrated to Paraguay, established a strong and form testimony in the capital Asunción, at the time the leading coworkers in South America, their work has best left desire, he held to the leading of the Lord’s Recovery, because central supporting beam among the churches in South America. He was able to buy a large plot of land near the capital, established a full-time training center; his education from his youth is not high, but he can use English, even Spanish to teach classes, we all admire it.  In the later years, he returned and stayed in Chiayi, because his wife was ill for many ears, and cognitively unclear, he himself have been getting on in the years and weak from illness, his constitution dropped in those few years.  In the end, at the venerable age of ninety-three, on October 10th, he bids the church that he has loved and served, rested in the bosom of the Lord of grace.

       The life of Brother Daw Jiueng, truly described that faithful and prudent slave that the Lord has spoken of, finished running the heavenly race, fed the family members that He has entrusted to him in a timely manner, can safely wait for the time the Master returns for the price and promised rewards.  Praise Him!

Respectfully Written by Brother Sui Liu in the Lord

October 16, 2017 in Hualien, Taiwan

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