• Bro. Zhanxiang Liu •

Faithfully Following the Leadership
Closely Step by Step

Uncle Liu and my adoptive father brother Xuanzhen Gao accomplished what Brother Lee has entrusted us, and they came from Shanghai to Taiwan for propagation one after another in 1947-48, then uncle Liu served in Hualien, and brother Gao served in Taichung.

Uncle Liu and his wife sister Wen Yu-Ho got married in the fall of 1949, they have three sons and one daughter. Because they educated the children properly, strict but not harsh, so that each of the four had achieved, and functioned in the church up to now, it was really full of the sevenfold strengthening blessing from the Lord. I vaguely remembered that when I was five years old in 1954, uncle Liu preached the gospel in San Zhang Li of Taipei (is now Hall Six), at that time every Lord’s Day morning uncle Liu would went on an anti-aircraft stage in which near the bus station of Route 20 to preach the gospel to the people. He thundered without fear, and no matter how cold or hot the weather was, regardless of the number of people, he always spared no effort and preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God eagerly, so that other brothers called him a “small steel cannon”. He was full of the emotions as it wrote in hymn 921: “Rescue the perishing, Care for the dying!” At the time, Taiwan was in a period of comprehensive reconstruction at that time, everything was barely getting by, with difficult start, people in general were not wealthy, he deeply felt that people’s hearts needed the Lord Jesus as the eternal life even more, that only by this they could have true sense of security and gain true joy, satisfaction and hope.

No Matter Where, He Follows Loyally

Uncle Liu was an elder who consecrated all his life to Christ and the church, he was willing to endure hardship, and also subjected to the authority. He served successively in some churches in many parts of Taiwan. Through the Lord’s grace and strengthening he could love the Lord, love the church, and love brothers and sisters with his whole heart, left a deep impression and good example for us, the next generation. He was a person who lived out Christ and manifested Christ, and he love the ministry of the Lord’s recovery, lived in the vision of God’s eternal economy. His life-long service showed us that wherever he was, he faithfully followed the leadership closely step by step

Seen God’s Glorious New Testament Economy, Faithful and Love the Lord for Life

Uncle Liu rested in the Lord due to illness in Taipei Veterans’ General Hospital in 1986, he had faithfully finished the course which the Lord measured for him. It has been over thirty years, today while we remember to him, let us renew our consecration in the sight of the Lord, and we be like uncle Liu, willing to see the glory vision of God’s New Testament economy, loving the Lord faithfully all our life, following and serving the Lord absolutely regardless of life until the day we see the Lord.

The Church in Chiayi

Brother Hong Zhu

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