• Bro. Zhanxiang Liu •

Having Touched the Way to Enjoy God

We hope that you can come to live in Yilan for some days and visit the churches in Lanyang area. Some brothers and sisters here still could be relocated elsewhere. Now there are only about forty people in the Lord ’s Day meeting in the morning, but the atmosphere of the meetings is still good. Meetings in the countryside are as usual, brothers’ mood is lower than before.

In my personal exercise of enjoying God, I learned to move forward according to the messages released by the servant of God. And I indeed have touched the way. When I learned according to the short and easy method of prayer of Madame Guyon in the past, I always felt that the response of the spirit is not quite obvious. At that time I always considered that I myself had problems. Until now have I realized that her principle is right but the way is not quite clear. There is much artificiality and many soulish elements. So it is not easy to touch the key points of life, therefore we are not satisfied enough in enjoying the spiritual reality. The way what we have is indeed clear enough. If we do not discern the way of life, living, and fruits in reading the Bible, we will suffer great loss in the fellowship. Recently when coming to the presence of the Lord every morning, I can always touch the Lord. He is not only near but sweet.

At present in every meeting in Yilan, we lead brothers and sisters to learn how to enjoy God through the pray-reading and read-praying. We demonstrate this before brothers and sisters in the way of exercise. From now on we will focus on enjoying God in the pray-reading meeting in the evening every week. Also in the Lord’s Day message meeting as well. The work in this area is still greatly constrained by myself. I really need much support and intercession so that I can enjoy Him more to live before His presence.

The brother in the Lord,

Zhanxiang Liu

April 20, 1958

Mail address: Weishui Road 85, Yilan, Taiwan

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